On Thursday 23rd July 2009 the Council cleared the lower footpath (PROW153) of all the fallen trees, making the path safer and accessible to more people.
Photo : 27th July 2009
This is an independent amateur account of the ongoing activities on the land. No material or information is permissible in any court of law without the prior consent of the author. The opinions expressed by the author are theirs alone and do not reflect the opinions of any other groups or organisations. Whilst acting in good faith for the public interest, the author is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied. All material generated by the author is subject to international copyright law.
Social & Environmental
1. Symbolise a community focal point which provides high amenity and aesthetic value as well as historical continuity in conservation areas.
2. Provide habitats for a broad range of wildlife throughout the year, particularly bats and owls.
3. Work all year round for us by reducing localised extremes in temperatures - cooling in the summer and warming in the winter.
4. Help keep urban areas peaceful by screening traffic noise.
5. Perform many hydrological functions, especially helping drain the soil by absorbing water run-off through their root systems and returning it to the atmosphere via leaf perspiration.
6. Provide a sense of place for people and local communities, including a high amenity value for families.
7. Mark the changing seasons with leaf colours and floral displays.
8. Tree canopies provide handy shelter during rainfall.
Health & Well Being
9. Our stress and illness levels are lowered as trees provide a sense of well being and psychological refreshment from the built environments and city life.
10. Mature trees create character and a sense of place whilst also releasing scents and aromas that promote a positive emotional response.
11. As well as cleaning the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, they absorb and reduce pollutant gasses including ozone, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide.
12. Contribute to lower dust and noise levels.
13. Reduce the risk of skin cancers by providing shade from harmful ultra-violet radiation.
Highway Safety
14. As roadside trees, they reduce the risk of accidents - preventing surface glare by shading the road after rainfall and reducing skidding as frost, ice and dew are less common under trees.
15. Large leaf canopies catch rainfall which slows down the water’s progress from sky to ground, thus helping to reduce flash flooding.
16. Reduce road rage by offering a more pleasant driving experience.
Economic & Climate Change
17. Increase the value of residential and commercial property by 5-18%.
18. Reduce fossil fuel emissions by lowering fuel costs for heating and cooling local buildings.
19. Offer employment through woodland management and all aspects of forestry.